

The Engineering Academy of the Czech Republic

The EACR associate members who have made significant contributions to engineering.

The common interest of members is the support and development of technical disciplines, development of technology, engineering education and research, development and innovations in these spheres aimed at the satisfaction of the technical, economical, social, environmental and cultural needs of the society.



Change of contact information


As of May 1, 2024, the email addresses and have ceased to exist.

Current email addresses are:





Announcement of the Competition for the Annual Award of the Engineering Academy of the Czech Republic for 2019

The Engineering Academy of the Czech Republic, r.c. announced the 23rd year of the competition for the annual award of the Engineering Academy of the Czech Republic. Since 1997 this award is presented to eminent personalities and teams from the Czech Republic and from abroad for outstanding results of creative work – significant completed technical projects or significant achievements in the development of engineering research.

The award is funded by a sum of CZK 50 000 and will be presented in the category for a completed significant technical project. Proposals can be submitted both by physical persons and legal entities from the Czech Republic.


The Engineering Academy would like to address all creative teams, research institutions, project and production organisations with a call for their proposals for the Award of the Engineering Academy and to send them to the secretariat of the EA CR, Národní 3, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic by Juty 15, 2019. Information about the award and proposal forms are available on


The results of the competition will be announced by the end of November 2019. The Award will be presented at the ceremonial evening of the Engineering Academy at the Bethlehem Chapel.

The partners and sponsors of the Award are the Preciosa Foundation and MM Industrial Spectrum.




International Workshop on "Scale-up of Innovative SMEs"

 The Strategy of Research and Development section of the Engineering Academy of the Czech Republic organized  a workshop  on  "Scale-up of Innovative SMEs" in the conference room of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague on  September  19, 2017.


The main speaker Bertrand van Ee, representative of AcTI (Netherlands Academy of Technology and Innovation) and a head of Euro-CASE Innovation Platform II., introduced the activities of the Euro-CASE Innovation Platform II., its recommendations for the EU and  EU Member States and - in particular - a draft of the Euro-CASE Position Paper Barriers to Innovation and Scale-up of Innovative SMEs”.

Silvia Jirásková in her contribution: Enterprise Europe Network & Scale-up Project in the Czech Republic presented the activities of the Technology Centre of the Academy of Sciences and of  the South Moravian Innovation Centre focused on increasing innovation capacities of  small and medium-sized enterprises. Particularly she introduced the ScaleCzechSMEs project aimed at supporting rapidly growing small and medium - sized enterprises.

Petr Očko from the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic in his contribution “Scale-up Support Programs of the Technology Agency CR" presented the activities of TA CR focused mainly on small and medium-sized enterprises and on the support for Czech applicants from the first phase of the SME Instrument - Horizon 2020.

Discussion followed on those policy recommendations which could be applicable in the Czech Republic. Position papers originating from the Innovation Platform activities are available on

Open each presentation by tapping on its title with your mouse

Jiří Janošec, FEng.

Strategy of Research and Development EACR






International workshop of Platform "Engineering Education", Prague May 28,2015 - Presentations and Discussion


  The  workshop took place at the Congress Centre of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
                                       (CTU in Prague) Technická 4, 166 07 Prague 6-Dejvice
The workshop was opened by the Platform chairman Prof.Ing. Petr Zuna,CSc. D.Eng.h.c., the Rector of the Czech Technical University in Prague Prof.Ing.Petr Konvalinka, CSc. and the Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (CTU in Prague) Prog.Ing.Michael Valášek, DrSc.
The moderator of the programme was  Ass.Prof.Ing. Josef Koubek, CSc.




2015 - 20 Years of the Engineering Academy of the Czech Republic

The celebration of the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Engineering Academy of the Czech Republic will culminate

on May 28, 2015 - evening 19:00

by a festive session of the EACR and a chamber concert at the Bethlehem Chapel in Prague. 


Within the scope of this celebration an
International workshop on the issue of transformation and innovation of engineering education
will be organized by the Euro-CASE platform Engineering Education
on May 28, 2015 - morning 9:00
at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague
The programme of the Workshop can be found here.



Engineering Education : Transformation and Innovation - Executive Summary

The Executive Summary of the publication Engineering Education: Transformation and Innovation by Emeritus Prof. David Beanland and Prof. Roger Hadgraft brings a concise review of factors affecting the transformation and innovation of engineering education which are dealt with in detail in the publication.
The unabridged Executuve Summary is available here.


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